Basis for the transfer of innovation

1. Migrapass (, developed by iriv with Autremonde and alii in Europe (2010-2012). This project proposes the creation of a portfolio together with training, which includes a collaborative approach in order to value the prior learning of migrants in the labour market, in which their migratory experience is included. This portfolio will be used for the implementation of the training for project Di&Di that addresses to qualified youths and non-qualified women, both with a migratory experience.

2. Médiateur  interculturel (, developed by iriv, in France (2009). Training programme which addresses intercultural mediators, with the aim of valuing their competences and enabling them to obtain new knowledge in their different fields of intervention (education, employment, housing…) with a specific perspective on the different target groups they address (youths, seniors, women…).

3.  Diversité+ (, led by Enda Europe in France (2006-2010). It has allowed the elaboration of a survey in order to analyse and improve migratory policies and practices on the subject of fighting against discriminations related to origin. It has allowed for the awareness of 300 companies, regional governments and member associations in Comité 2001.

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