Europe, leader, and iriv, coordinator of the Di&Di project, in partnership
with Cité des Métiers, invite you to the first stakeholders meeting of the
project taking place in the Agora, on Thursday 24th April, from 10h
to 12h.
Registration is compulsory at: contact@enda-europe.org or contact@iriv.net
12:15 : End of the first stakeholders meeting and date of the second
stakeholders meeting (which will specify the timing of experimentation sessions).
List of the present organizations:
Schedule for the 1st Stakeholders
10:00 to 11:00 : Participants
introduction and presentation of the Di&Di project by Enda-Europe, followed by discussion with participants.
11:00 to 12:00 : Presentation of the
trainings for qualified young people and non-qualified women, by iriv, followed by discussion with participants.
12:15 : End of the first stakeholders meeting and date of the second
stakeholders meeting (which will specify the timing of experimentation sessions).
List of the present organizations:
- AFIP - www.afip-asso.org
- APSV - www.apsv.fr
- Armatis Ile de France - www.armatis-recrutement-idf.com
- Cité des métiers/Universcience - www.cite-sciences.fr
- CNAM - www.cnam.fr
- Colcrea - www. colcrea.com
- Enda-Europe - www.enda-europe.org
- Fédération Ifafe - www.federation-ifafe.com
- FESSEF - www.fessef.fr
- iriv - www.iriv.net
- Laligue - www.laligue.org
- Université de Lille 1 - www.univ-lille1.fr
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